Support and Training Center

Membership Maintenance Update Release Notes

A steady stream of Se Puede Membership improvements for your reading pleasure. 

Questions about any of the updates? Reach out to the Support & Training Center with your question by entering a support request.

Click HERE to keep up to date on the new & modified reports & queries.

December 11, 2024

There are no Membership items in the deployment this week. The next update is scheduled for January 2025.

November 21, 2024

Info Management Update

  • Termination Reason Changes are now updating properly for already terminated workers. 
  • Action Required Mapping auto-select on newly created sub-department experience is fixed

Quick Search: The worker's status now displays when searching for a worker in the top search bar.

Employment Edit Screen: When closing the Employment Edit Screen, a pop-up to save changes appeared when there were no changes made. This has been fixed to only appear if closing the screen and changes were made and not saved.

Assessments: Update Ensured the primary employment's rate is always used when auto-assessing thru the current month upon a Reinstatement status change.

November 13, 2024

Info Management Updates

Card Information Updates: The ability to update Card Information through the personnel list type has been added. New fields include: Welcome Package/Referral Date, Dues Card Sign Date, Political Deduction Amount, Political Deduction Sign Date, Orientation Sign up, Membership Only Application Signed, Self Pay, Dues Card Type, Signed up by (using Worker ID), Dues Card Received by Membership, Dues Card Sent to Employer, Dues Card Info Entered, Dues Card Comments, Political Deduction Frequency, and Political Deduction End Date. 

Full Name Display in Info Management: The worker's full name in Se Puede will now appear in Info Management, with fields that would be changed if accepted shown in bold.

Membership Application Status Update: A date entered into the Membership Only Application Signed field will now correctly update a worker's status from Target to Pending.

Hire/Re-Hire Date Mapping: If a Hire Date and Re-hire Date are mapped on the Portal, the most recent date is used for the accept/reject decision in Info Management. The system now allows viewing the date not used for acceptance in the flag for reference.

Worker Mapping Errors: When a worker was mapped to an existing worker in the New Worker Tab, they were not always appearing properly in the subsequent tabs for decision and sometimes resulted in errors. This is now functioning correctly.

October 24, 2024


•  The Rate Description is now included in the rate adjustments screen to accommodate changes in Beck% descriptions each year.

•  If membership does not have a phone entered on a worker and an organizer enters a phone, the organizer's phone will be marked as membership preferred as well.  


• Data Cleanup of old, partially created records that were invalid due to a historical bug

• Local Specific Data Fix: Corrected Chart of Account number assignments for one local

• Info Management: Full Name is now populating again for records with accepted name changes

September 19, 2024

Checkoff Reconciliation Landing Page

•  Completed reconciliations without a submitted payment were previously showing only under the “All” filter. They should have also appeared under the “In Progress” filter. This issue has now been fixed.

Technical Updates

• Stuck Alerts: Periodically, some users encountered stuck alerts in the Bell and random errors when retrieving billing details on the worker record. A hopeful final fix has now been implemented.

August 22, 2024

Only Technical Updates

• Disabled Context Stream Read in WebServices to remove unnecessary calls in the database.

• Update made to rollback process when an update is unable to be committed in the database for logging of the specific error. 

August 9, 2024


•  Improved performance with Group Assessment. Testing showed 25-50% improvement in test comparisons.

•  Additional Alert Bell fixes (Last update addressed Reconciliation Payments). Now all processes that use the alert have been check and updates made to ensure they clear when the process is no longer running. 

Status Fixes

• Safeguards added to only allow the 1st non-assessable statuses to auto cancel if the new status date is prior to the 1st status. 

•  Corrected gap in requirements that allowed a worker to go directly from an Active Member to a Non-Member Per Event Fee Payor. The system now correctly requires a Withdrawal or Suspension to precede that move.

Add Worker Fix

•  Recently, Invalid dates formats entered, resulted in a blank error when saving the Add Worker form. Now, Date field's border will become red when invalid and not allow saves until corrected. 

Local Specific Fixes

• Timezone corrected for one local's timestamps.

• Small data fix on one worker.

July 26, 2024


•  Added checkoff month display to all Payment Available & Select Employer Payment pop-ups. The month is also shown when selecting credits for financials under Employer Refunds and Financial Adjustments.


• Mass status fixes for per event options and reinstatement write-offs.

•  Ensured that the check number field still allows up to 40 char


•  Optimized the way counts are updated in Organizing to improve performance and prevent log jams.

July 19, 2024

Performance Fixes

Addressing Loading Issues:

•  Fixes to address the notorious loading delays experienced this past month have been successful in tests when attaching cards and making employment updates. Please email if you continue to have the dreaded loading issue or have any other abnormal behavior.

New Workers in Info Management:

•  Improved the change detection check to enhance responsiveness.

Checkoff Reconciliation:

•  Ensured that the bell alter consistently clears after completing checkoff payment submissions.

Highly Technical items:

•  Fixed a “Deadlock Error User Token” issue.

•  Reconciled NuGet changes for stability

July 11, 2024

Worker - New Employment Creation

•  Inactive employers have been removed from the picklist when creating a new employment.

Checkoff Reconciliation

•  Checkoffs with invalid data that previously errored on load and disappeared from the Dashboard will now remain visible, indicating further action is needed.

•  The issue where “View Credits” and “View Partial Payments” required unchecking and rechecking the filter to update results has been resolved.

•  The process for submitting payments for reconciliations involving workers with an “Unemployed & Not Paying” status has been optimized for faster processing.

Info Management

•  Accepting over 100 new workers at a time no longer creates invalid partial records. A data fix to remove existing partial records will be included in a future release.

Status Change

•  An error message that occasionally appeared during status changes, despite successful processing, has been eliminated.

•  The issue where cancelling a “Reinstatement from Suspension” left the fee on the Billing Details, requiring manual cancellation, has been fixed.

System Technical Updates in attempt to fix performance issue 

•  The query used for transferring credits on a worker’s record has been optimized for efficiency.

•  Turf update process was updated (in organizing)

NOTE: Several items are in progress to address current performance issues, with deployments planned after testing next week. Please continue to notify support if you experience loading issues with Se Puede, including the time of occurrence and the actions being performed.

Upcoming fixes include: 

•  Updating Organizing Leadership counts on a schedule rather than immediately upon employment changes.

 •  Fixing a “Deadlock Error User Token” issue identified in the logs.

•  Removing an unnecessary procedure call from the base product to reduce system load.

•  Resolving an issue where the Bell Alert was not always removed after completing a Checkoff Reconciliation.

May 24, 2024  

Worker Profile

  1. The Full Dept>Location>Classification will display for the primary employer instead of just the classification.
  2. Created By & Source will now display underneath the worker name.

Contact Tab Enhancements

  1. Address Change Quick View & Phone Change Log Buttons views have been fixed. 
  2. Addresses, Phones, and Emails Created After This Release will now show the Created Date/User.

Change Logs Improvements

  1. Descriptions now appear in the change logs instead of just the code for classifications and departments. For example, you’ll see the classification changed from Busser to Server instead of 555 to 444.
  2. Change logs will include a list-ID link when the change was made thru info management.
  3. When info management mappings are deleted, it is now tracked and displayed in the change log.

May 17, 2024  

Checkoff Reconciliation

•  The View Per-event and View Unreconciled filters on the reconciliation screen are now functional again! Hooray for that!

May 10, 2024  


•  The misalignment of spacing between Dashboard sections has been resolved.

•  Previously, collapsing the Checkoffs, Credits, and BUL Info and then using Data Integrity queries caused the dashboard to become unavailable after expanding. This issue has now been fixed.

Employer & Worker Payment 

• The ck# field has been extended to allow up to 40 digits, rather than the previous limit of 10.

Add Worker 

• Fixed an issue that was infrequently randomly causing a "blank" error to occur.


• For monthly (not per event) workers, there was an issue where those with a 0.00 payment-based rate and a 0.00 one-time fee (Init/Reinst) were activating because no balance was owed. The system now correctly requires some form of payment in the Initiation/Reinstatement month, even if the balance is 0.00.

May 2, 2024  

Dashboard Enhancements

•  The dashboard now displays the month of the last BUL completed for each employer. It also indicates if there are remaining HOLDS that need attention.

•  The Checkoffs, Credits, and BULs header section is now collapsible. Clicking on it allows you to shrink the panel and utilize other parts of the dashboard without the need for repetitive scrolling. Say goodbye to endless up-and-down navigation when working with the Missing Months and Data Integrity queries.

Worker Enhancement 

•  The Comments tab now displays an indicator when a comment exists on the tab for that worker.

Info Management fixes

•  Benefit Fund (H&W) Lists that previously encountered a blank pop-up error during mapping in Action Required has now been resolved.

•  Lists with New Workers mapped with only an Employee ID (No social) were unable to be accepted through info management. You can now accept these new workers again. Doing so will create a record with a temporary social.

Checkoff Reconciliation

•  The “View Credits” filter in Large Checkoffs was previously unresponsive, but this issue is now fixed.

Previously, a Local received an error submitting a checkoff that had many workers that were changing to an Active status due to the payment on the checkoff. Eventually, the submission was able to be completed after multiple attempts. Efficiencies have been made on the activation process upon submission of a checkoff payment, so this shouldn’t happen in the future.

•  You can now view Checkoff Reconciliations after payment completion, even if there’s an error flag that currently exists for a worker that wasn’t an issue at the time of completion. For example, if an employment has been removed from a worker after payment has already been applied.

Worker Billing Overview Fix 

•  A small number of workers had an assessment where the paid amount was not displayed properly in the overview and will now display as they should have (51 assessments in total out of all locals). The balances were OK but the paid amount was not shown in the display. 

There are 5 assessments in total that support will be reaching out to the below locals that need manual intervention to fix.

•  Local 8 – 1 assessment (ID 3559 5/22)

•  Local 165 1 assessment (ID4882 3/20)

•  Local 26 3 assessments (ID 571 2/24,3/24 & ID 66454 9/21)

April 11, 2024 - NEW FEATURE RELEASE  

We will be contacting locals to schedule training on the Mass Status Updates and review these new features. Please refrain from using the new Mass Status feature until after the training.

Mass Status Updates

• Initiate/Reinstate workers current in Target/Pending/Membership Review or Suspension in logical groups

• Move workers uploaded by Info Management from Pending/Target Review Per Event Fee Payor

Automatic Assessments through current month

• When adding a new worker as ‘Target/Pending Initiation’ or changing a worker’s status to ‘Target/Pending Initiation’, ‘Reinstatement’, ‘Beck’, or ‘Financial Core’, the system will now assess the dues/fees not only the ‘Initiation Month’ but also assess the dues/fees up to and including the current month

• The Manual Assessment modal now automatically refreshes to reflect the most recent missing month period after cancelling assessments 

Managing Status & Assessment History for Unemployed Records

• Removing an employment end date for a worker who was incorrectly terminated while in the “Unemployed & Not Paying” status, the system now provides two options:

  • Cancel the ‘Unemployed & Not Paying’ status and bring back to the last status
  • Update the status to “Review” (previously existing behavior)

• Workers in the ‘Unemployed Not Paying’ status, who receive dues/fees for a historical month, will have their status canceled upon checkoff payment submission. Subsequently, overnight, they will be placed back in the ‘Unemployed’ status for the appropriate effective month if they remain non-members without employment or payment through the current month

• Ability to rebuild the status history for a worker who was formerly unemployed but is now employed, the system permits manual adjustment of the status to ‘Unemployed & Not Paying’ for months without any employment. Should this function be utilized and the worker remains in this status despite current employment, the system will automatically update the status overnight to either ‘Target/Pending Review’ or ‘Target No Obligation’, depending on the record’s condition

• When a worker in ‘Unemployed & Not Paying’ status receives dues/fees for a month they were employed but not assessed, canceling this status enables the system to allow corrections to the status and/or manual assessments for the active employment period, without the need to reactivate the employment record

Mar 20, 2024

• Security: Fixed issue in Security management where we were unable to correct some email addresses if a user has changed or was created with an incorrect email address.

Feb 13, 2024

• Info Management: Hold Exports back to normal working order when using Selecting All Holds checkbox on "New Worker"

• Info Management: View Organizer changes query no longer automatically brings back all results when loading the screen to improve performance. Enter the filter criteria & employer and click "Find"

• Group Adjustments:  When the adjustment file is adjusted and re-accepted on the portal & reloaded, any removed from the updated list will no longer remain in an "In Progress" state

• Employer Payment: Safeguard added to disallow changing the Employer Name associated with an Employer Payment. (Payment created with incorrect employer should be removed and then and entered with correct employer)

• Checkoff Reconciliation: Fixed loading of the attach payment pop-up that was occurring for some users. 

•  Worker Details: Political data fields now viewable in Membership (view only) 

• Performance: efficiencies made on loading of the Billing Summary information

January 25, 2024

• Checkoff Reconciliation Summary Grid:  Reconciliation Complete (but not paid yet) has been fixed to show back in the "In Progress" Grouping" 

• Info Management: When a shift is mapped on a personnel list and there is no existing employment, when accepting a New Employment, the shift will also be recorded on the new employment created.

• A local specific fix (you know who you are)

January 11, 2024 - Happy New Year! It's a Leap Year.

• Info Management: A new error flag will appear on the New Worker tab when a worker with the same SSN is on the list from the employer twice. The system will only allow acceptance of one of the records and will force a reject of the duplicate.

• A couple local specific fixes (you know who you are)

• New sql insights application setup to allow additional monitoring of performance issues to guide performance improvement work.

December 22, 2023

• Info Management: In certain scenarios, when an old list is being processed against an already end dated employment when Hire or End Dates were presented for change, the appropriate overlapping employment error was not displaying as it should have. These additional scenarios have been taken into account.

• Per Capita: AFL-CIO increased from .70 to .75 in the IU's Intacct feed on per capita distributions

December 7, 2023

• Checkoff Reconciliation Landing Page: Performance has been improved. For this improvement to happen, when changing the search information, you must click the "Find Reconciliations" button for the search to execute.

• Address Validation: Certain addresses were causing the validator to return a never ending loading circle. The developers have fixed the inputs to prevent this from happening.

Status Change: Mass Withdrawal + Reinstatement from Withdrawal performance has been improved.

Status Change: Manual Status change performance should be improved some  (the devs are still looking for ways to improve further)

Worker Profile: Loading of the Worker Profile page performance has been improved (notably, the loading of the Dues Rate information)

November 16, 2023

• Info Management: Action Required Mappings pop-up behavior has been fixed where the dropdown exceeded the pop-up screen and you had to scroll in a real weird way to see the whole list.

• Info Management: Action Required Classification Mappings list was not in alpha order, now it is.

• Info Management: Sorting of the lists has been fixed so that you see the most recent lists at the top instead of the oldest.

• Worker Comments: clicking on the date now sorts properly and the migrated comments are sorted as the oldest date.

• Suspensions: Charges adjusted to 0.00 with 0.00 Paid were being recognized by suspensions as a month owed. This is now fixed so that assessments with a 0.00 charge and no balance will not be used in the calculation.

• Worker Details: Last 4 SSN was not updating when a SSN was changed since 11-2. The with a SSN change since 11-2 have had their last 4 SSN repopulated and this functionality is working again. 

• Checkoff Reconciliation: If an invalid Se Puede ID was used for the match key on the list in the Portal, the checkoff reconciliation screen would not load and you could not cancel the checkoff. Now, the screen will load which will allow the reconciliation to be cancelled if the mistake is made without developer intervention.

November 9, 2023

• No Maintenance update this week.

November 2, 2023

• Major code update - no new functionality available for use but please email if you notice any new bugs or problems as soon as possible.

October 27, 2023

• No Maintenance update this week.

October 20, 2023

• Wait for it.....did someone say performance improvements?   We have one for this week!  Based on testing of this update, we expect noticeable performance improvements around the loading & application of credits on the worker record. I think I just shed a happy tear ;). Hopefully you do too.

October 5, 2023

• No Membership Updates this week. Performance issues are the main focus right now but not ready for release.

September 25, 2023

• Turning on Application Insights for performance investigation. Now that is exciting! 

September 22, 2023

• Info Management Employer Department values mapped to sub departments weren't being  automatically removed if the Parent Department was inactivated. This is an edge case, but has been fixed so it cannot happen. 

September 15, 2023

• Refund receipt Reprint is fixed and will now run again!

• Summary Counts breaking out Per Event / Monthly Active members on the STAT - BUL List vs Checkoff Month with Worker Status reports are fixed. 

September 8, 2023

• Name search in Find Worker & Quick Search: Ignore Accents? Yes, please...:) If searching for for Renee, the quick searches will now find Reneé (no accent needed).

August 31, 2023

• No Maintenance update this week. 

August 24, 2023

•  Employer & Worker payments: Oh my....the submission of some checkoff reconciliation payments and worker payments started to error. This update fixes the issue! Please reach out if you are not able to submit the payments after this update. 

August 22, 2023

•  Membership Status: Fix to the Pending workers who stopped activating when there was a 0.00 fee

August 16, 2023

•  Membership Status: Workers with a target reinstatement/initiation status who have made a partial payment in a later month will update to Pending Reinstatement/Initiation even if status is cancelled and created for an earlier month.

•  Dues Processor Security Role: Able to view Employer Rates tab

• Change Log: Displays user who made membership status changes accordingly in the Worker Change Log

August 11, 2023

•  Checkoff Reversals: We have another scenario that checkoff reversals can now handle! This time, it is a checkoff with a worker that had made a partial payment towards a dues rate with multiple percentage distributions. 

•  Info Management: When a new worker is matched by mapping to an existing worker, if the list was returned back to new the matching was retained but none of the changes were presented for this worker. Now, you guessed will :)

• Missing Months: The paging on the missing months report on the dashboard is now working properly

July 28, 2023

•  Checkoff Reversals: We have another scenario that checkoff reversals can now handle! This time, it is a checkoff with a shortage that has had credits transferred from a worker to the employer and applied to the shortage.  Also, reversals won't continue to hang out in the alert bell after even after the reversal is complete. 

July 21, 2023

•  Info Management: All tabs will display the Full Name (including middle) for the worker when making decisions. For example, the new worker tab was only showing the Last, First Name and wasn't displaying the full name mapped on the portal when you were making your decision.

NOTE: If you have already loaded the list from the "Open" tab, you will have to click reverify on each tab if you want it to display the full name.  Newly loaded lists will automatically display with the full name.

•  Checkoff Reconciliation Backup Files:  When a checkoff was reversed, it didn't always show back up on the dashboard to reprocess. A fix has been put in to make sure this doesn't happen anymore. Only 5 Locals are affected. If you are one of the lucky few, the support & training center will be reaching out to you next week to review the files that it occurred on.

July 13, 2023

• A couple of specific local issues were resolved and will be individually notified- nothing to report to the masses

July 6, 2023

• No Maintenance update occurred this week.

June 29, 2023

• No Maintenance update occurred this week. 

June 23, 2023

• Checkoff Reconciliation: Certain checkoffs are showing as $0.00 Backup amount after a refresh and had lost the connection to the backup file. After this update, these checkoffs will load properly again...Shew!! If you still have issues after Friday, please contact

June 15, 2023

• Info Management: No one likes where a list hangs out in Open but it is actually complete, if you have a Benefit fund list that was fully actioned but stuck on Open tab, you can now load the list and it will move onto it's final resting place on the completed tab.

June 9, 2023

• Checkoff Reconciliation: Payment submission on large reconciliations should be processing much faster now...more performance improvements are being worked on. This is the first step...please email support if the Submission of Payments on large checkoffs is not improved so we can investigate.

• Checkoff Reconciliation: Select Credit pop-up on the Checkoff Reconciliation did paging, so if was more than 1 page (26 credit), it was difficult the select the credit without zooming out to 25% screen size.  This is fixed so that you should no longer have to do the work around.

• Info Management: Using the "Match" in the New worker tab was not presenting the changes for the other tabs unless the tabs were already existing. Now, even if the tab does not already exist, the tab will be created if there is a decision to be made.

• Backend improvements made to the API that talks to the Portal but no functionality has changed.

June 2, 2023

No Membership Updates (be sure to check the Reports catalog HERE  on June 2nd for new/updated reports. 

May 26, 2023

Checkoff Reversal: Scenario where money is transferred from a worker to an employer and back will not cause an error in the reversal.

May 18, 2023

No Membership Updates due to a major organizing release this week.

May 12, 2023

• Worker Profile: The tooltip when hovering over the Dues Card Signed Icon in the Employment tab has been corrected, it was stating no card signed when there was actually a card signed. The Icon on the Preferred Panel at the top of the worker record will now also appear RED when there is no card signed for the primary employer.

• Employment Payment History: Worker transfers grouping issue has been fixed

• The + icon on the Preferred Contact Details to add a phone or email was only clickable if the Chrome Browser screen zoom was set to less than 100%. This is fixed.

• A bug introduced the week prior that caused some records to not activate properly has been fixed.

• The system will allow you to manually go to Unemployed & Not Paying instead of waiting for the overnight process to run. Coming soon, we will be able to do this for historial periods of unemployment that is needed when correcting a worker's history. 

May 7, 2023

• SQL Configuration changes on the server should improve performance in some areas of Se Puede, notably the submission of the Checkoff Reconciliation Payment. 

May 5, 2023

• Info Management: The Contact tab address replacements were setting an additional membership preferred address when the existing membership preferred address was an organizer entered address. This is corrected to where the new address is the only address marked as membership preferred. 

• Status:  In Locals with a reinstatement fee, when there are multiple Reinstatements in the history, the record was activating even when the most recent fee was not fully satisfied. This will no longer do this. The data fix should be occurring next week to return the records that should not have activated back to Pending.

• Employer Payment History:  The Employer Payment History was erroring for some employers, this is fixed.

April 27, 2023

• Performance: Enhanced performance when running manual assessments, status changes, and applying credits.

• Info Management: Manually adding Benefit Fund hours that include decimal values up to two places.

• Alerts: Alerts showing in notification bell and not going away have been cleared.

April 20, 2023

• No Maintenance update occurred this week. 

April 13, 2023

• Contact: Migrated Opt-In Cell Phones did not have a Permission to Text Source or Permission to Text Date associated with the Opt-In, the Migrated Opt-In Cell Phones with no Permission to Text Source or Date will be updated to be "External System" for the Source and the Conversion month from TIMSS to Se Puede for the Date.

• Info Management: Loading multiple lists at a time from the "Open" Tab is working again.

• Worker Profile: Preferred Contact area now shows the last updated date for the address/phone/email.

April 6, 2023

• Contact: Mail Forwarded Date has been added as an additional tracking date on the the Mailing Details when tracking a mailing event

• Info Management: The New Worker tab was not recognizing the re-hire date, now if a re-hire date is mapped, the system will use the latest of the hire/re-hire date for the Hire Date on the Employment.

• Employer Payment History: If a credit was used to apply to a checkoff that originated from a Transfer from another employer, the application of the credit was not appearing underneath the details of the transfer. This update ensures this is displaying.

• Worker Profile: The Edit Pencil was not appearing in the Preferred Contact panel to allow edit the existing bad address when a worker was added into the system with NO address (you had to go to Contact tab). The Address status of (B) and the Country will now show along with the Edit Pencil to allow the edit from the Preferred Contact area when there is no existing address.    

March 30, 2023

• The scrolling issue which allowed the data to scroll over the Top Header Bar was re-introduced. It is now Fixed (again).

• Data Fix -Some workers had active employment but No Primary Employer. Many identified were from records from the migration cleanup list that were never corrected. However, there are some new instances created by the info management bug fixed March 24th surrounding ending non-primary employment. This data fix, updates records who have a single active employment but no primary to set the employment to primary. The support and training center will be sending out a list (if your local has any) workers that have multiple active employments but no primary to be manually corrected.

March 24, 2023

• Info Management: Addresses on New Worker Accepts were not always stamped with the Country. This caused an awkward experience when the address needed to be edited and you had to select the Country before editing the address.  All addresses that were missing a Country designation have been corrected to be the Local's country. Info Management is also stamping the proper Country on new worker inserts as well going forward.

• Info Management: Benefit Fund lists were showing workers with hours on the New Employment tab when they already had existing active employment and a historical employment for that employer.  This is fixed now. (Due to built in system validations, no duplicate employment was created even if the new employment was accepted) This was only presenting in Benefit Lists and not BUL or Personnel Lists.

•  Info Management: When a non-primary employment was ended in the termination tab, the current primary employer was being set to non-primary.  Info management will no longer do this.  In the next update, if there is only one active employment left, the employment will be set to primary. If there is more than one active employment, we will provide you with the list of records the primary employer decision needs to be made on.

•  Info Management: the preferred name is no longer being populated by info management with the First Name. The preferred name will now remain blank.

• Employment: Inactive employment was displaying as grouped by the Employer and not the unique employment Hire & End Date periods. This is fixed so each employment period has its own gray bar.

Employment: The Created By & Created Date/time has been added to display on each employment in the employment tab.

• Worker Contact: Address Source of Returned Mail added to the list 

March 17, 2023

• Batch: The "Set to Ready" button in Batches is now working again in all areas it can be accessed

• Employment: Invalid errors when entering an End Date or Hire Date were being returned in certain scenarios involving "Hire dates for review". The system will no longer return a false error on overlapping employment or End Dates before Hire Date.

• Info Management: End and Add New Classification was not always marking the new classification as "primary" leaving some records with no primary classification. This is fixed so that it does not happen any longer and the employments with no primary classification have been updated to have the active classification as their primary as it should have to begin with. If you would like a list of the records that were in this state and the primary flag fixed, please reach out to for the list.

March 9, 2023

•  Improved Employer Payment History is now available. The payment history can now recognize all of the different transactions that can happen on the employer.

•  Checkoff Reconciliation: Creating a checkoff reconciliation with multiple backup files is working again.

•  Employment: The Edit pencil & Delete button has been moved to be next to the classification to edit the employment and the classification details is now group underneath the employment (so it doesn't appear to be 2 employments when there are multiple active classifications). 

•  Employment: The classification tipped value was not populating down properly in certain scenarios from the Employer's classification. This is now corrected and any invalid values have been corrected.

•  Employment: Ending an employment with a hire date that is "flagged for review" no longer requires you to enter a Hire Date (unless the End Date being entered is prior to the Hire Date that is flagged for review)

•  Dashboard: Missing Months reports now have a link to the worker's record.

• Many screens with scroll allowed the data to scroll over the Top Header Bar (where the quick search is). This is fixed so the Header bar is still accessible.


• Performance: Typing in the filters for Local or Employer Name now complete faster. Scrolling through the dropdown is also faster

• Log in: Users logging in with iffy internet connections are no longer blocked by an infinite spinner. Page will eventually load, depending on the internet speed.

• Review Uploads: Sorting by Total Deducted no longer breaks the Dues Backup data table.

• Review Uploads:

  • Filters in "Filter By" section now refresh the files seen in each file type section appropriately.
  • Filter by> Period Date Range now allows user to choose a time period by using a date picker or entering the dates manually.

Feb 23, 2023

•  Info Management: Action Required Map differences pop-up is larger and longer values are no longer expanding past the height of the pop-up. 

•  Info Management: Reverify issue on the Contacts tab has been corrected. (Example, an email for a worker was rejected and Reverify Button submitted, if the worker also had a phone or address change, the decisions were no longer being presented) We will be reaching out in March 2023 to locals individually to review any lists that were potentially affected by this so that a decision can be made if you want the developers to return the list(s) back to Open so that any outstanding items can be actioned.

•  Info Management: Employment tab was unable to be re-verified when there was no classification on the list and the worker had multiple classifications on their employment in Se Puede. The system will now update the primary classification details when no classification is mapped on the list.

•  Info Management: Workers were not appearing on the new employment tab when their Hire date was the same date as an historical employment. They now appear on the New Employment with the Error of Overlapping employment so that they can be investigated.

•  Worker Employment Tab: If a worker has a leadership role (ex. Committee), or the worker is in the structure for Organizing, an icon with their Role or "In Structure" will appear on the Employment tab. An indicator that they have a role or are "in structure" also appears next to the End Date in the Edit Employment screen. If an employment is ended when a worker has a role or is In Structure, the worker will be removed from organizers lists and the organizer should be notified if an employment was ended in error.

Feb 16, 2023

•  Back End Update: The route the information takes when Se Puede Portal & Se Puede Membership talk to each other has been changed. This change allows the Portal & Membership sites to be even more secure, and and makes changes on either side simpler.

Feb 9, 2023

•  Benefit Hours: If hours were manually added on the worker record, they didn't sort properly with uploaded hours. The hours are now sorting properly no matter the source of entry.

•  Info Management: 2 locals had a few lists On Hold that were not able to be loaded with particular lists On Hold older lists on Hold that were having trouble loading, should now load.

•  Info Management: 5 Locals had some records with an employment without a primary classification. This was caused by certain classifications, not becoming primary when an End & Add New Classification was selected. Testing has confirmed that this is no longer occurring and the locals affected have been notified.

January 27, 2023

•  Info Management:  Added ability to search classification name on Action Required Tab when mapping (like it works with Dept) 

January 13, 2023

•  Info Management:  Lists on Hold when no comparisons were left to do can now be loaded and they will remove from the Holds tab if no comparisons are left to action.

•  Info Management:  If the termination tab was reverified after New Worker's were added, the new workers were presenting as Not On the BUL. This is Corrected and if you have accepted those termination, we will be contacting your local.

•  Info Management:  Reverifying a tab after all items were actioned or matched to the worker's record, resulted in comparisons being removed from that tab on other lists. Once we have any lists affected, we will reach out if this scenario occurred on any of your lists. IF working on a list in the Open tab, return the list to New first and then and re-load. 

•  Benefit Hours: If manually adding Hours on the worker's record,  the employer dropdown is now showing the picklist of that worker's employers so that you can manually add hours again. (the picklist was appearing blank) 

•  Per Capita (IU Intacct feed):  Increase in Dues amount to CLC

January 6, 2023 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

•  Info Management:  Total Worker/Records incorrect count on Info Management tabs corrected.

•  Info Management:  Lock icon on Hold tab not showing full tooltip value corrected.

•  Info Management:  Rejected items re-appearing in list corrected.

•  Info Management:  Old lists on hold tab from prior to info management release where rejected items were re-appearing in list has been fixed.

•  Local Specific: Fix to allow a Checkoff Payment to complete on a specific checkoff.

•  Local Specific: Fix to specific worker to employer transfers that auto-applied to a shortage.

December 22, 2022 

•  Batches: The ability to click on the Open/Post/Ready Batch Buttons is working again from all screens.

•  Info Management:  When a tab finishes processing, the system no longer skips you ahead to the next tab.

•  Info Management:  The completed tab was taking a long time to load - this is fixed. (We are aware that the New tab is taking a long time to load, if you search on any file type other than Personnel Lists, the speed is good. The slowness of retrieving Personnel lists to on the New tab should be resolved in the next Portal Update. 

• Grievance view: When an employer had no address, workers info in that employer were not being retrieved properly in the grievance app.

• Checkoff Reversals: Certain Checkoffs with refunds reversals could not be reversed - this has been corrected for these checkoffs.

• Per Capita:  Extension of Union Secure Waiver thru 6/30/22

• Per Capita:  Extension of 2022 Tiered Per Capita Rates thru 6/30/2

• Per Capita (IU Intacct feed): Posting Date issue fixed for the December months to use 12/30 instead of 12/31

• Per Capita (IU Intacct feed):  Account Description & Account number changes as needed by Finance

• Per Capita (IU Intacct feed):  Increase in Dues amount to AFL-CIO

December 15, 2022 - Info Management Performance Release!

• Info Management changes update to Production environments - BUL Process - Full Guide has been updated to incorporate changed functionality. If you process lists in info management and did not attend the info management changes training, please contact .

• Se Puede Worker ID can now be used as a matching key for Checkoff Reconciliations & Info Management lists.

December 5, 2022

• Info Management improvements update to Training environments ONLY.

December 5, 2022

• No Membership updates in the maintenance update this week..

November 18, 2022

• The Tracking & Mapping Tab on the Employer record should be loading much faster. 

• Quick Search tokenization (yes, that's what they call it, and it is my new favorite word). Anyhow, tokenization allows the quick search to be more flexible in finding someone in the system. The quick search on the top of Se Puede Membership will now search the First, Middle and Last Name fields separately every time you use the space bar and the Worker ID will also display in the selection. 

  • Example search: su ba
    • Would Return
      • Suzanne Z. Ballast
      • Baily F. Summers
      • Brenda SuBaker
      • Alabama Superfan Tide
    • Would not return
      • Jesus Martinez (missing Ba)
      • Baxter Smith (missing Su)
• Transfers of a credit from a worker to an employer with a Checkoff Shortage in the same month as the credit, resulted in an auto-apply of the credit to the shortage (which wasn't correct). This fix ensures the transferred credit appears on the Employer so that it can be applied to the shortage. This fixes the functionality going forward. The data fix for occurrence's of this in the past will be in a future release. If your local has this scenario, we will contact you with the details in December.

• Working with assessments (cancelling assessments/status changes with assessments/manually re-assessing) on a workers record when no payment is applied should be bit quicker. 

November 10, 2022

 • No Maintenance update occurred this week.

November 4, 2022 

 The screen where Worker Credits can be transferred back to the employer or another worker were not showing the Original Source of the credit.  Now you can see the original source of the credit  (eg. Hilton_03/22)   (just like in the apply credits on the worker's record)

 Action Required Mappings for Locations can now handle lists greater than 500 unique locations for an employer. Yes, this scenario exists :)

 New Flag: Checkoff reconciliations will  show the yellow flag on workers who have a payment but the employer is not their primary employer. YAY!

October 27, 2022 

 3 support user accounts were seeded into the databases

 New/Modified Reports/Queries- click HERE

October 20, 2022

 • No Maintenance update occurred this week.

October 13, 2022

• When launching the Add Worker from the Checkoff Reconciliation, the Billing Type defaults to Non Member and the picklist for status had nothing in the dropdown. To get the statuses to appear you had to toggle to a different type and then back again. That was super annoying and is now fixed. This issue has made multiple appearance over the past year so if you ever have that problem again in the future, be sure to let us know.

• The Benefit Fund Hours pop-up screen is now ready for use, if you need to add hours to a record because the social was incorrect on the benefit fund, you can now manually add hours to the proper record and delete them from the record they should not be appearing on.

 • The add & Edit buttons from the preferred contact panel no longer bleed thru the status change pop-up screen

 • When a Department|Sub Department had a trailing space at the end of the value, info management was stuck in an eternal action required mapping loop when there was already a mapping created with no trailing space.  Now, the system can handle the trailing space on the Dept|Sub Department fields without causing an eternal action required mapping loop. Shew!

 • Preferred emails with no "permission to email" populated was causing the preferred contact panel in the top right corner of the worker's record to appear blank.  Thank goodness this is fixed now....that was weird.

 • When added a person to a Group, the pop-up showed a small link to "Add New" which was allowing the creation of an ID without using the Add Worker form. This was not good as we cannot use those IDs because they are incomplete, this link has been hidden so it is not available for use.

October 12, 2022

•  Portal Update 2.9.0- Please click HERE  for release notes.

October 6, 2022

 • No Maintenance update occurred this week.

September 27, 2022

• The per capita report should complete now, if an error message was previously received while running the report. 

• Some locals had some records at a Pending Review Status that were mismatched with the latest detail in the status history. Some instances were from the migration to Se Puede and some were erroneously changed from Target No Obligation to Pending Review by the system because they had a card date in old historic employment. These statuses were fixed by bring the status back to the last valid status in the status history. If you would like a list of the workers that were fixed for you local, please email and reference DevOps#48472.

September 23, 2022

• The ability to edit the preferred Address, edit and add a new phone & email from the preferred contact panel at the top right of a workers record. The system will also no longer allow a duplicate phone or email to be entered in the system.

• The Refund's Missing Check # query was showing cash refunds since they do not have a check #. This has been fixed so that cash refund no longer appear on the missing check screen.

• The blank worker tab has been removed from the Employer's record since there was nothin displayed on it anyway.

• If the edit button was clicked on an address that was marked "Bad", if the record was saved, even if there were no changes or only the comments changed, the bad status was removed. Now, only if a piece of the Address is changed will the bad status be removed. 

September 15, 2022

No Maintenance update occurred this week.

September 9, 2022

• 2nd update occurred Friday morning to fix an error coming up on the Add Worker.

 September 9, 2022

• The Benefit Fund Hours pop-up screen now has the ability to manually added or remove hours on the woker's record. (please do not use this feature yet...we identified a small bug in testing where the wrong (ID) for the employer is displaying for hours that are manually entered).

• There was a weird experience in this specific scenario in a month where there was a Fee (ie Init) and Dues in the same month and the Dues assessment was cancelled, when you tried to re-assess for the missing dues, a strange blank pop-up was received and the credit would display twice (on the one time fee assessment) and the Missing Month line. To fix, you had to to cancel and re-do the status for that month which was less than ideal. Neither of these strange behaviors are occurring any longer. 

September 1, 2022

•  The Tiered Per Capita release was deployed. The per capita report will now calculate your per capita tier and the tiered rate will be reflected in the report. Please reach out to if there are any questions.

August 25, 2022

•  After last week's update, the address validation service was not validating updated addresses unless it was added through add worker or the previous address was marked as bad. This update fixes that issue.

August 19, 2022

•  When an existing bad address is changed, the bad address designation will now be automatically removed.

•  Attached cards can now be re-associated to a different employment record if it was attached to the wrong employment. Please contact if you need to be walked through how to do this.

•  There are cases when, we need to apply money to a worker's record that is in a non-assessable status. An example would be a worker who has Resigned or Revoked their Dues Checkoff authorization yet the employer continues to deduct dues from their paycheck. We now have the ability to assess a $0.00 No fee so that the money can be applied directly as a credit so that it can be refunded without assessing dues or a fee.  This functionality requires that each local determine if they want this functionality to be made available to any of their staff and which staff should be given this permission. Please contact to discuss if your local wishes turn this functionality on for certain staff member(s).

•  Resubmitted per capita reports now have the attachment file names versioned so the resubmissions to Intacct (IU's financial software) doesn't fail.

•  The Payment History on a worker's record had the wording updated to keep consistent with other transactions when a transfer out has occurred, the Credit Inv# will now only display the number of the invoice instead of reading it as an Unapplied Credit# which should only show when the credit is created.

August 18, 2022

•  Portal Update - Please click HERE  for release notes.

August 11, 2022

•  An issue was identified when a user did not have permission to change a worker's status, but did have permissions to update fields that could trigger an automatic of a status change, where the processing rules of the automatic status change would fail. (An example of this would be when a user enters a card date when the worker's status is Target and the system triggers an automatic status changes from a Target to Pending) This will now work properly even when the user does not have access to manually change a worker's status. The records that were affected were update 

August 4, 2022

•  If a worker record had a status date in the future and you cancelled the assessment. The manual assessment wasn't giving the option to re-asses for the future month. Now it will allow it.

•  Group adjustment was failing if the Employer Name was over 50 characters. Now the Group Adjustment will work up to the max # of characters for the Employer Name field (which is 80 characters)

•  When selecting credits in the Apply Credits screen on the worker's record, the Original Source had the date formatted dd/mm/yyyy which was confusing since everywhere else in the system is mm/dd/yyyy. This has been fixed.

•  Info management's Employer filter was not allowing multiselect on the Map to New worker search. This will not allow you to select multiple employer.

•  When searching for a worker to under worker payment, worker refund, worker transfer or Debit/Credit Adjustment the Worker ID search is back to working again.

July 28, 2022

No Maintenance update occurred this week. 

July 21, 2022

•  The paging issues are fixed on the Payment History Tab on the worker's record!!!

•  The employee ID and Last 4 of the Social has been added to all exports in Info Management. This will hopefully make things easier when there are items that need follow-up with the employer.

•  A local had a few changes they couldn't accept or reject causing the list to remain on Hold forever.  The cause was somehow the Hold of the change was listed twice and it was going in an eternal loop. The system has been updated so it can handle this if it happens again.

• Another one for locals who have deployed Se Puede Organize! When new worker was added by an organizer and an address change is accepted in info management, it creates the new address and marks it as membership preferred. Problem was it wasn't unmarking the membership preferred state on the organizing address, this caused two membership preferred addresses. Now, the old address will be be unflagged as the preferred address for membership. The data fix of the multiple preferred values on the records will go out in our next update.

•  The Missing Months flag was only displaying if there was a missing assessment from the most recent status date forward on a worker's record & Dashboard report. The logic has been updated to show any missing assessment from the 1st month in Se Puede on the record & the report too! On top of that, when you search for a particular employer in the missing months report, it no longer shows false positives when there have been assessments with different employer rates. Win Win!

•  Another credit display scenario popped up where the credit was appearing twice, once on the Dues assessment and once on the Initiation/Reinst assessment for the same month WHEN the processing rule had been updated to Init/Reinstatement Only and the history on a workers record had both the Dues & Fees and a credit existed on that month. Although the credit amount in the summary was correct and the apply credits pop-up was correct, the display on the Billing grid was not but the display has now been fixed for this scenario.


July 14, 2022

•  Mobile Commons updates were getting hung up at a few locals, the developers resolved the cause of this issue and the mobile commons updates should complete without getting hung.

July 7, 2022

Sit down, grab a sparkling water or your beverage of choice, this is a long one...

•  Use the Quick Search at the top of Se Puede? You can now type the Record ID and then hit ENTER to bring you to that record. (No more partial return of the id giving you multiple results...Yay!!!)

•  For locals who have deployed Se Puede Organize and an organizer had entered a new phone or email, we had an issue where membership couldn't update the supporting information for the phone or email. Well, we can now update the supporting information (like Opt-in and phone/email status) for these organizer entered phones & emails. Yippee!

• Another one for locals who have deployed Se Puede Organize! When new worker was added by an organizer and an address change is accepted in info management, it creates the new address and marks it as membership preferred. Problem was it wasn't unmarking the membership preferred state on the organizing address, this caused two membership preferred addresses. Now, the old address will be be unflagged as the preferred address for membership. The data fix of the multiple preferred values on the records will go out in our next update.

•  When entering a phone number in the contact tab, the field highlighted red and displayed "the format is incorrect". It still allowed you to save but it was confusing. Now, that should only appear if the format is truly incorrect!

•  The Payment History tab on the worker record was not showing the Employer Payment Comment in the tooltip. Voila, now it is!

•  We were shocked when it was discovered recently that a credit couldn't be applied to a balance owed on a worker that had no primary employer. Needless to say, this has been fixed and that is no longer an issue.

•  Inactive employers were appearing in the Employer search on the Add Worker form. This caused confusion when there were similar named inactive and active employers.  Only active employers will appear on the Add worker form now.

•  When clicking on Manage Group Rates to bring up the pop-up modal, the Rate Groups did not appear in the Rate Group picklist unless you clicked on the refresh button. Now you don't have to click refresh, they show right away. 

•  There was an issue on a worker's record where the user could not cancel the Reinstatement from Withdrawal Status back to Withdrawal. We weren't able to re-create the issue but the developers were able to debug it and find the cause that was unique to the worker's record and fixed the issue so that particular scenario so it no longer causes a problem.

•  When the tipped value on an employer classification was changed from Tipped to Non-Tipped, it wasn't always flowing back down to the worker's employment. They have fixed this and the data. There is even a new Data Integrity query on the dashboard to prove there are no longer any mismatches named "0.33 Employer Classification Tipped Value does not match worker".

•  When there were multiple checkoffs processed with the same payment with a shortage and multiple checkoff reversals occurred. The Employer Overview tab was displaying an incorrect "Amount Received" and Amount applied and the pop-up when applying the payment showed the incorrect debit amount (the data was OK and the transactions went through properly, this was only a display issue)  This should now display correctly even when all that hoopla has happened.

The two items below were in the release but got pulled last minute after some issues were found testing the final package. Not to worry, once resolved the below items will appear in a future release.

 The Missing Months flag was only displaying if there was a missing assessment from the most recent status date forward on a worker's record & Dashboard report. The logic has been updated to show any missing assessment from the 1st month in Se Puede on the record & the report too! On top of that, when you search for a particular employer in the missing months report, it no longer shows false positives when there have been assessments with different employer rates. Win Win!

•  Just when we thought all the credit display issues were fixed on the worker's record last year, another scenario popped up where the credit was appearing on both the Dues and One time fee lines for the same month when the processing rule had been updated to Init/Reinstatement Only in the month and the history on a workers record had both the Dues & Fees and a credit existed on that month.

June 30, 2022

•  No update this week. Happy Canada Day & Happy 4th of July! (An update is planned for next week)

June 23, 2022

•  No update this week.

June 17, 2022

•  When cancelling a Pending or Target Initiation back to a non-assessable status (ex. Pending or Target Review) the system wasn't automatically removing the Initiation and other assessments. This caused for strange behavior when trying to change an Initiation month and the assessments had to be manually removed before changing the status again. Fear not, the Initiation fee and assessments now get cancelled properly.

•  When a checkoff reversal was attempted when there was a worker who had a payment on the checkoff and the assessment cancelled and transferred to another worker, applied to multiple assessment months, the checkoff reversal flagged up that the $$ had to be transferred back to original worker. Even after the transfer back was done, the reversal wouldn't go through. The system can now handle backing out this scenario in a checkoff reversal.

•  Modified or New Queries/Reports: STAT - BUL List vs Checkoff Month with Worker Status - Modification, RECO-Checkoff Payments by Worker in a Month Received, BULS - BUL Status, WRKS - Assessment - Total Balance, WRKS-Assessment-Unapplied Credits and a Balance Owed. Click  HERE  to open the report catalog and view the details of the changes made.

June 9, 2022

•  Group this & Group that...When a Group Assessment was In Progress but not yet committed, if a Group Adjustment was processed against a month that included those In Progress Assessments, the system was allowing the adjustment as if it had already been committed which resulted in the Group Assessment commit or cancel failure. The code has been fixed so that while a Group Assessment is in Progress, it will not allow an adjustment to those assessments until they are committed, preventing the chain of events stated above.

June 2, 2022

•  When a checkoff reversal was attempted when there was a worker who had a credit that came from the checkoff and was transferred to another month with no assessment on the month, an error was returned because it could not handle the scenario. It can now handle this scenario.

•  When a checkoff reversal was attempted when there was a worker who had a payment on the checkoff and the assessment cancelled and transferred to another worker, applied to multiple assessment months, the checkoff reversal flagged up that the $$ had to be transferred back to original worker. Even after the transfer back was done, the reversal wouldn't go through. The system can now handle backing out this scenario in a checkoff reversal.

•  The suspension process was not identifying workers who had a hire date after the month that the suspension report was run for. Even though we strive to have accurate Hire Dates, we are not perfect.  The suspension process no longer excludes these records in it's evaluation. 

•  The per capita attachments to Intacct (IU's financial software) were being stamped as .pdf even if they were excel or another document type. This was causing an issue viewing through the software. This has been fixed.

•  Previously only organizers could inactivate a Department, now membership users with the appropriate permission can inactivate a department (as long as there aren't any actively employed workers in the department.

May 27, 2022

•  The batch landing page was taking a long time to load for one of the locals (really long). No other local was affected but the query was optimized and now pulls ok for everyone.

•  When a checkoff with an employer shortage was reversed and another checkoff processed that also had a shortage of the same amount, if the 2nd Checkoff needed to be reversed, the the reversal process was erroring out because it didn't know how to handle the situation. Now it does.

May 21, 2022

•  This unscheduled update, removed some of the organizing development that was deployed the day prior which caused unexpected User Interface behavior in the credit pop-up.

May 20, 2022

•  Info Management added phones for Home and work were adding an "Unspecified Pill" to display when you viewed the phone number. Not anymore, this is fixed.

• Locals that track classification history in an employment in Se Puede, were still seeing classification in the Worker's Preferred Profile box in the top of a worker's record. Now, Only active classifications appear in the area.

• A single local wasn't able to load the Suspension Report screen. Turns out a cleanup of an old User ID caused the problem since the ID was used to run a suspension report so the screen failed when trying to retrieve the name. TMI? Maybe.

• Membership users weren't able to remove a department when organizing had setup child nodes (like shift, language or classification). Now the system will allow it as long as there are no workers assigned.

May 12, 2022

•  No Maintenance update occurred this week.

April 28, 2022

•  We were unable to delete employment history on a record who had ever had a leadership role setup on the organizing side of Se Puede. Now, if there is not a leadership role currently assigned, the system will allow you to remove an employment record need to delete if there is not a current active leadership role for that person for that employer. 

•  In Info Management, View Changes ("Eyeball Icon), some filters were not behaving properly; the selection of the filters will now return the results you are expecting. 

•  Info management Address Field size limits have been increased so that they match what is allowed in the address fields in the Se Puede record.

When a file is unable to be loaded in Info Management, a more detailed error message should display (in Lieu of the generic "Failed to Load" message if there is some reason the file is unable to be loaded.

•  The portion of per capita that gets broken out to the The Canadian Labour of Congress has increased, the Canadian Per Capita breakout had to be adjusted to account for that.

•  You shouldn't have to enter a permission to text status on a phone that isn't a cell. For some reason, it started making you populate that field. This is fixed now.

April 14, 2022

•  There is a new yellow Flag that will display next to a worker's record in the Checkoff Reconciliation screen if there is a payment on the backup file from the employer and their current status is Suspended or they have a non-assessable status (such as Unemployed & Not Paying, Withdrawal, Target/Review or No Ob, Pending Review). Like the other flags, the flag will display in the Export as well.

•  Batches that were loaded on a tab in the browser and closed in another tab were able to be used if you navigated back to the old tab and didn't refresh. 

•  Primary Address, preferred email & most recent Opt-in Phone numbers are now included on the Mass Status Reason Change Export files.

•  Alternate Suspension Logic, an affiliate may now make a choice to have an alternate suspension logic of any amount owed older than two months instead of 2 full months dues. This would mean if someone owed .01 in January and not collected, the member would be eligible for suspension March 1.

April 8, 2022

•  There was an address identified at a local that the Address status was change to Confirmed but the Bad Address Date was still lingering causing the address to still show as Bad on the worker's profile.  If there were any other instances of this, they have been corrected.

•  Rates with distributions percentages were only allowing whole percentages to be entered through the user interface, this was a problem and now it is not. The interface will now allow up to 4 digits after the decimal. 

•  Do you have over 500 unique department levels or location levels in a single employer?  We found out that one Local does and our picklists to select the departments and locations capped out at 500 which was a problem for them. After tests, we confirmed it can now handle at least 1100 department levels and 1400 location levels. Now that's a LONG picklist!

•  Last but definitely not least, the pièce de résistance, the moment I have personally been waiting for...the Payment History Tab on a worker's record should be pulling up soooo much faster now. I hope you are as excited about this one as I am!

April 1, 2022

•  There should be a remarkable performance improvement in: 

    1. Creating new batches (from any area) 

    2. Creating Employer Payments 

    3. Individually changing the status of the batch

If it does not....April Fools! Just Kidding, we would be seriously shocked. Please let us know at if it does still happens to still be slow.

•  Checkoff Reversal batches have been added to list of types of batches that the status gets updated from Open to Ready automatically overnight (Worker Daily & Checkoff Distribution batches are the other type that automatically change to Ready overnight)

•  A couple updates were made to the per capita INTACCT Feed to hard code a Reference Number and also attach the Per Capita Report/ Per Capita GL Summary to the submission as required by the UNITE HERE Finance Dept.

•  Sub Locations were not able to have the same name and of course there can always be a Room 1 under Building A and a Room 1 under Building B. So, now it is allowed. 

March 22, 2022

•  An Employer name can now be up to 80 characters long and the Checkoff Reconciliation will load and payments successfully apply. (If you use Group Adjustments beware...currently, it is still an issue in Group Adjustment and the file will not load unless the employer name is 41 characters or less Aye!) Stay tuned, hopefully soon the Group Adjustments will allow the full 80 characters too.

•  A Local had a real old list on the Holds tab in info management that the system just wouldn't allow them to reject, no matter how hard they tried. The devs were able to mark the unactioned items as rejected so it doesn't sit out there forever. If you have this issue, please send the file ID, list type, and employer into letting us know.

•  An extra security check on checkoff reconciliation is now in place to ensure an error flag is shown against a worker, if ever the amount in the backup file doesn't match what you are seeing on the screen.

March 17, 2022

•  The Group Assessment Landing page & Finding Health & Welfare files in info management was getting extremely slow for some locals, some dev magic has fixed that up.

•  Some back end logic was corrected with the SSO (Single Sign On) and it now matches on a user's full email address. In working with IT, it was determined this needed to be done. This did cause 3 users to have issues with their logins because their email address was had originally been entered incorrectly. Those users have been sorted out and fixed.

•  On an Employer's department & Classifications tab, where the Classifications are shown with a count of Workers, the count on this screen is showing the # of workers currently employed with the classification. However, when you clicked on the count to find out who those worker are it was only showing the workers where it was their primary employer. The detail should always match the summary and when you are doing cleanup to inactivate an old classification, not being able to find that last outlier was pretty annoying. This has been fixed.

•  There is an overnight process that automatically runs every night, that checks Target status workers and if there is a card or payment, the status will promotes automatically to Pending. We identified that some Target statuses had promoted to pending when they shouldn't have. The update included a script to back out any Pending promotions that were done incorrectly back to Targets. The script added a comment referencing the bug, so if you would like us to query a list of these workers it happened on, please email and ask for the list of workers corrected on Bug#38982. There may or may not be any workers.

March 10, 2022

•  When a classification was inactivated, the BUL mappings to that classification were not getting automatically removed, this means info management was not presenting the Action Required to re-map the value from the list to an active classification.  This has been corrected, rest assured that if this did happen prior to this update, they will be presented for mapping to an active classification on the next list that is processed. Having deja vu reading this? Me too...this was just fixed for departments on February 10th.

•  The frequency of dues effective date that is used for weekly rates to the determine 4 or 5 week month was having an issue with the hour stamped on the date and the user's & server's time zone that entered the date.  This means that if the hour of entry was just right (or you could argue wrong), the date could be erroneously seen as the next day, causing the # of weeks to be incorrect.  If this sounds complicated, you're right, IT IS! Good thing it is now fixed. 

•  When a worker has a dues assessment and one time fee (eg Init) charged in the same month as a Checkoff Reconciliation that was already in progress, if an adjustment to the charges on the one time fee was made, once the checkoff screen was refreshed, the backup amount was changing to a really large number for the worker and on the other assessment a really large negative number.  When this happened, the checkoff had to be cancelled and re-created. Thankfully, this is now fixed.

•  Info Management's View Organizer Updated Records query,  the Organizer Added Employment wasn't coming off the list when it should have. Now, after membership has updated the hire date to be correct on the organizer entered employment, the worker comes off the list. Yay!

•  Did you notice that !TARGET Not Found !:62c82f2a-a197-4252-87de-fde573f11d79 in the list on the Membership Reports screen? It's gone now! No more sleepless nights wondering what 62c82f2a-a197-4252-87de-fde573f11d79 is, and why is it looking for it?  (Turns out, an old shortcut was still hanging out even though it's source had been removed- it wasn't wanted or needed, so it got turfed)

March 4, 2022

•    Birthdates accepted in info management were displaying the user that initially load the List as the person accepting the change in the Worker's change log. Sometimes multiple people work on a list and accept changes, even though the View Changes log shoed showed the correct accepter, the change log did not. Now, the change log displays correctly. Who made the change is now showing correctly in both areas.

•    When searching on an Employer in the Group Adjustments, when you selected an employer it disappeared from the list and you couldn't see that it had been selected. Now, when you select the employer to search you can actually see that you selected it like in every other screen. Shew...that was confusing!

•    Self pay is now a filter on the the Mass Status Reason Changes Screen. Hooray!

February 18, 2022

•   When you have a super long classification (over 80 characters), department or department/sub department combination (over160 characters) on the BUL to map, the file wouldn't load because it couldn't squeeze that many characters into the field. Now the the fields can accept up to 255 characters. Employee ID will now accept 40 characters instead of 20 too.

February 10, 2022

•    Departments and mappings oh my! When a Department was inactivated, the BUL mappings to that Department were not getting automatically removed, this means info management was not presenting the Action Required to re-map the value from the list to an Active Department.  This has been corrected, rest assured that if this did happen prior to this update, they will be presented for mapping to an Active Department on the next list that is processed.

•    Worker Receipts in the Print Receipt pop-up were printing landscape even though they clearly should be portrait. What?! This is now fixed.

•    Clicking on the Apply Credits button on a worker's record started taking it's sweet time to display the credits in the pop-up window, compelling some to have to hum the Jeopardy theme song. This pop-up should be much more responsive now.

February 3, 2022

•    When adding a new workers through info management, if a group of new workers was submitted and the screen was refreshed before the process had completed on the server. Those workers would appear on the list for submission again. If those workers were submitted a 2nd time, duplicate records were created in the system with the same social. Of course, we never want duplicate records in the system, so the system has been fixed to prevent this from happening. To see if there were any duplicate records created, navigate to the Data Integrity Tab on the Dashboard and pull the 0.30 Duplicate_SIN_SSN. If you need help, please submit a request for help with the Support and Training Center.  

•    A new error was introduced on the Checkoff Reconciliation screen on 1/29 that presented when a worker had a Temporary Social. The temporary social will no longer give a false error Duplicate SSN error in the Checkoff Reconciliation.

January 29, 2022

•    If you are lucky enough to to receive a $100K Checkoff Reconciliation or larger, they decided to be stubborn and stop loading. This update makes sure these extremely large checkoffs continue to load.

January 28, 2022

•    Dues Processors did not have the ability to view Benefit (H&W) Hours on the worker record unless they also had the permission to process the lists. This did not make sense, now Dues Processors can view the hours on a worker's record. 

•    Every so often, some records would not cancel from Reinstatement from Withdrawal back to their last status of Withdrawal. This should not longer occur.

•    When more than one worker had a blank space in the Employee ID field in Employment on a worker's record for the same employer, the checkoff reconciliation saw them as duplicate and was flagging them up with an error. This was fixed so the space will not trigger a duplicate error flag. 

•    Ethnicity and Gender were not populating to Ethnicity from Employer and Gender from Employer fields when it was added through the New Worker Tab in Info Management. This has been fixed and is working properly again.

•    When bringing an info management file back to new, the icon and warning message said it was deleting the file. This was confusing, the label and icon has changed to reflect what it really does. (Bring the file back to "New") While the developers were in there, they added the List ID (Portal File ID) to the display so you don't have to hover over the Download file tooltip to see it.

•    When bringing a file in info management back to new, the icon and warning message said it was deleting the file. This was confusing and scary to click, the label and icon has changed to reflect what it really does. (Bring the file back to "New") While the developers were in there, they added the List ID (Portal File ID) to the display so you don't have to hover over the Download file tooltip to find the File ID you are looking for anymore.

•    Info Management's View Organizer Updated Records was updated to include Locations updated by organizing.

•    An update was made to the per capita INTACCT Feed to update the GL posting date for December months as required by the UNITE HERE Finance Dept.

•    Developer behind scenes maintenance (fixed refresh process to clear all portal data from tables in training when a refresh from production is done & Updated restore method to account the movement of the migration tables)

January 15, 2022

•   Developer behind scenes maintenance - removed TIMSS migration tables out of Se Puede Database and into their own database on another server. 

January 13, 2022

    Some Classifications had a TIPPED value of Blank instead of False, this was causing an issue saving an employment record for a worker who had one of these classifications. This was fixed so that the Blank is recognized as False and no longer causes an issue.

January 12, 2022

    Viewing attachments/cards functionality was updated to view the attachments/cards in the browser instead of downloading them.

    The classification dropdown list was limited to 100 classifications in the dropdown, this has been fixed.

    The List of Classifications on the Employer Classifications & Department Tab shows only 500 on the screen. An Export must be done to see the entire list if it is over 500. Filtering has been added so that classifications can be found easily when needing to view or edit.

    2 locals (you know who you are) had a few assessments that had an Assessment In Progress Status when the Group Assessment had been completed already. The data was fixed on these records and preventative measures put in to prevent this from happening.

    Some Union Security Navigation items snuck into the Maintenance update and should not have. The Union Security Navigation items have been removed until the functionality is complete.

    An issue introduced in December where the end date or primary employer was not able to be entered when a worker had multiple jobs was fixed.

    Find Worker query 0.20 Contact_Address_Find was updated to include the Chapter in December and inadvertently caused the query to return no results. This was fixed.

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